Wholesale of tea: get the best tea here!
Vehgro is the tea wholesaler where you can get the best ingredients for your tea. In recent years there has been a clear trend towards demand for organic products. The great advantage of organically produced food is that it is produced without the use of pesticides. They are produced with care for people, animals and the environment. In addition to that, they are packed with nutrients and are super tasty.
Wholesale tea
What should a wholesaler of tea comply with? Simple: to offer the best tea for young and old, made from the best natural ingredients. Organic tea is grown with care for people and nature. Moreover, the tea farmers receive an honest price for their product. It is a win-win situation for producer and consumer: both get the best.
The taste of organic tea
You can usually taste it right away if tea is organic. At least, you can taste it when the tea is not from organic origin. Non-organic tea has artificial flavours added to it. With organic tea, your smell and taste buds are absorbed in the light natural aroma. Because of the abundance of flavourings in non-organic tea, the taste soon becomes too intense.
The aroma of organic tea
Organic tea gives off a subtle fragrance. The smell of non-organic tea is often annoyingly strong. Also, the colour of the water is often too dark, while organic tea has a very mild effect on the water. The colouring is also very subtle.
Removal of organic tea
Growing organic tea plants is very time consuming. Quality is not just handed to you on a plate, it has to be enforced. Organic cultivation ensures that the soil remains fertile for the next harvest. The plants are less likely to die from the use of harmful pesticides. Organic tea is grown in Sri Lanka, China and India, among other countries. Organic tea can be grown all over the world, in every 'tea country'.
Specialised tea regions
Japan is known for its production of green tea and in South Africa, rooibos tea has been grown for many years. The process of making tea production more sustainable is taking longer in some countries than in others. This has to do with the investment costs needed for organic cultivation. Non-organic is often faster and cheaper.
Why organic tea?
Why choose organic tea and an organic tea wholesaler? Simple: organic tea has a number of important advantages: there is close cooperation between the farmers and the supplier of the tea on the Western markets, which ensures fairer relations in power. You usually pay a little more for organic tea, but at least the tea is not harmful to your health and it tastes great. In short: organic tea is a must.
The magic of Matcha tea
Matcha tea is a special product that is difficult to prepare. Tea wholesaler Vehgro has several Matcha products. Matcha tea has a delicious full-bodied taste and is also full of good nutrients. The Matcha plants produce Chlorophyll, because they are not exposed to too much sunlight. This substance gives the leaves of the plant a dark green colour and is rich in essential amino acids.