How are shipping costs calculated for my order?

  • Shipping costs are calculated automatically during checkout.
  • Standard rates for parcel shipping in the Netherlands and Belgium are €6.95 for a standard parcel up to 23 kg, €9.95 for a standard parcel up to 28 kg, and €13.95 (NL) or €17.95 (BE) for a standard parcel up to 51 kg. Orders up to 148 kg are sent in multiple parcels. For shipments over 148 kg or to other countries, please contact Vehgro for a quote.
  • Shipping on an Europallet (148-950 kg) costs €49.99 (NL) or €69.99 (BE).
  • Delivery time within the Benelux is 1-2 working days depending on stock availability, which is displayed on the product page.
  • Express shipments (delivery before 11 am) are possible, but customers must contact Vehgro to arrange this.
  • Shipments from DHL come with a track and trace code, but cannot be collected from a DHL service point.
  • DHL only delivers on weekdays between 08:00 and 18:00. If the recipient's business is closed, DHL will attempt delivery again on the next working day.