Obesity and lifestyle
While politicians are commissioning one health study after another, the link between obesity and lifestyle (excessive caloric intake due to the intake of sugars and carbohydrates in combination with insufficient exercise) has already been demonstrated.
Offering excessive sugars in food and drink would be a good step towards helping people overcome the problems associated with obesity or overweight.
Obesity - lose weight tips
Have you overweight- obese and want to lose your fat mass, you need a combination of 3 things:
- Regular muscle strengthening exercises, increasing your muscle mass and boosting your metabolism.
- Cardio training to burn extra calories.
- Start with a healthy diet, consisting of unprocessed, natural products.
Be aware, however, that a combination of these things is essential for overweight people. If you are overweight and you want to lose weight and burn fat by using only one of the above, it will be very difficult. It is precisely the combination that encourages your body to better burn fat and helps overweight people to lose weight.
Obesity and healthy eating
At Naturaplaza we want to offer people healthy alternatives. We also try to convince suppliers of food and beverage producing companies of the advantages to getting even more good products on the market. An example of such a product is Stevia. In addition to stevia, we have many healthy foods in our online nature shop Naturaplaza that fit a conscious lifestyle and a healthy diet, so that we can provide at least 1 of the 3 conditions for overweight people.
Aware of alternative sweeteners such as stevia?