Make your own sport drink Banner

The recipe for an isotonic drink looks like this:

250 ml apple or orange juice mixed with 250 ml water and a pinch of salt (Himalaya salt 100% natural) added

Tips sports drink:

- Use pure descaled water.

- Use 100% pure natural Make your own sport drinkor Celtic salt instead of kitchen salt.

- Use stevia sweetener extract instead of the usual sugars or sweeteners to supplement the loss of sodium and magnesium.

Sugar-free sports drink with stevia extract - steviol glycosides

Steviol glycosides, the sweeteners extracted from the stevia plant are rich in vitamins and minerals. It contains vitamins A, B3, C, calcium, chromium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, zinc and rutin. Steviol glycosides are currently widely used as an alternative sweetener in food recipes and drinks.

Aware of alternative sweeteners?

As low as €9.58 €8.79
excl. VAT incl. VAT
As low as €2.93 €2.69
excl. VAT incl. VAT
As low as €2.61 €2.39
excl. VAT incl. VAT
As low as €2.50 €2.29 Regular Price €2.50
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As low as €6.75 €6.19
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