Sugar-free Chocolate Paste Banner


- 120g sugar-free chocolate
- 4 tablespoons milk
- 30g margarine
- 2 eggs
- 2.0g of stevia sprinklesugar


Microwave oven or au bain-marie

Preparation method

- Beat the egg whites of 2 eggs until they are stiff.
- Add to the 120g chocolate (without sugar!)
- 4 tablespoons milk.
- 30g real butter and 2.0g of stevia sprinklesugar.
- Heat for 2 min in the microwave (maximum setting) or on a bain-marie.
- When the chocolate has melted well, add the 2 egg yolks while stirring well.
- The stiffly beaten egg white is then added while stirring well.
- Let the chocolate stiffen in the refrigerator.

Preparation time: 0-10 minutes

Interested in sugar-free products such as stevia?

As low as €9.47 €8.69
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As low as €4.57 €4.19
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