The baobab tree, Adansonia Digitata, grows naturally in tropical Africa but has also been successfully introduced in other regions, for example, Madagascar and India. This tree is very fast growing in its younger years and can grow very old; the oldest tree is dated to 1275 years old. The baobab has great cultural significance for the local population, the felling of the baobab tree is generally discouraged because of traditional religions. Legends about the baobab tree are known in large numbers, it appears regularly on stamps and is the national tree of Senegal and Madagascar. The value of the baobab tree is not a recent occurrence; baobab fruit was known to the ancient Egyptians, and data shows that baobab products were traded on the markets of Cairo during the 16th century. The imposing tree, Adansonia Digitata, can reach 25 meters in height, and circumference of the trunk can reach 20 meters. Hollowed out baobabs are used as stables, shops, bus shelters, water reservoirs and, in Australia, a bar. Usually referred to as the 'Tree of Life', each part of the tree has its own capabilities. Fibres are woven for ropes, nets, baskets and fishing lines. In East Africa, the roots are used as a red dye. The hard fruit peels are also used as pots for food. The young leaves are eaten in a similar way to spinach or can be dried, ground and used in soups. The pulp of the baobab fruit is the main source of nutrition.
Processing of BAOBAB
Our baobab fruit powder has two important characteristics: It comes from wild harvest baobab and it is certified organic. Fruit pods are between 20 and 30 cm long, and unripe usually yellow-green van. The harvest takes place when the ripe fruits are brown, hard and woody, and appear dry and hollow. The pods contain many seeds within the pale, dry fruit pulp. Baobab pulp naturally contains little moisture, therefore it is resistant to spoilage; in an unopened fruit, baobab pulp is edible for up to 3 months after harvest. Making baobab powder is a simple process. The pods are broken open, and the pulp is mechanically separated from seeds and peel. The pulp is then ground into a fine powder and bagged. The lack of moisture is the key to this minimal production process - high-temperature drying is not necessary, so the baobab powder remains a 'raw' product. Baobab is an important source of income for the local population. It is not difficult to start harvesting the fruits, and as a result, it is an important part of the local economy in some countries of Africa.
Healthy Boabab Properties
With almost 50% of the total product, fibre is an important component in the nutritional value of baobab powder. The baobab fruit also has a much higher antioxidant value than other types of fruit pulp (orange, strawberry, blueberries, kiwi). Baobab powder is rich in calcium - per gram higher than milk and many kinds of cheese.
Baobab powder has a subtle, spicy citrus flavour. The combination of citrus and powdery texture is reminiscent of a sorbet - but without the added sugar. Add baobab powder to smoothies for thickening and flavour, use it as a component for breakfast cereals or porridge. As an alternative, bake baobab in homemade muffins and cereal bars for an extra superfood content.